The messaging to “be careful” and avoid certain movements is outdated. Education, less fear and helping you meet your goals with confidence is the aim
Diastasis and Core Concerns
Back, Hip, and Pelvic Pain
The pelvic floor is the inner layer of pelvic muscles. It’s all connected!
Pain and Discomfort with Intercourse
Your pelvic floor is involved in pleasure, erection, penetration, orgasm and so much more. The brain and nervous system are also closely related to the pelvic floor.
Heaviness, Pressure, and Prolapse
Symptoms stop many people from living their desired life. Learn your options and how to work back up to feeling confident in your daily movement without symptoms.
Vulvovaginal and Penile Pain
Pain is commonly related to muscle tension and muscle tension can present for many reasons unique to each person.
Issues with Pee and Poop
The pelvic floor acts like a valve to hold in and let out. There are many reasons you may be experiencing issues and some more basic than you think.
Client Experiences
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